Priscylla Silva

Priscylla Silva

Ph.D Student

ICMC - São Paulo University


I’m a Ph.D. student at the University of São Paulo, working with Professor Gustavo Nonato. My area of research lies in applying machine learning techniques, especially Graph Neural Networks, to solve problems with sparse spatio-temporal data.

I obtained my Master’s in Computer Science from the Federal University of Campina Grande under Prof. Joseana Fechine. During my Master’s degree study, my area of research was Artificial Intelligence in Education. In my work, I developed an Intelligent Tutoring System with automatic feedback for CS1 courses.

I obtained my Bachelor of Computer Science at the Federal University of Alagoas. During this time, I work with Professor Evandro Costa. In addition, I participated as a developer in creating three intelligent tutoring systems in Mathematics, Propositional Logic, and Computer Programming.

  • Explainable Artificial Intelligence
  • Graph Neural Networks
  • Large Language Models
  • Machine learning in crime prediction
  • Sports Analytics
  • PhD in Computer Science and Computational Mathematics, current

    University of São Paulo

  • MSc in Computer Science, 2018

    Federal University of Campina Grande

  • BSc in Computer Science, 2014

    Federal University of Alagoas

Recent Publications

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(2024). Exploring the Relationship Between Feature Attribution Methods and Model Performance. AI for Education: Bridging Innovation and Responsibility at the 38th AAAI Annual Conference on AI.

PDF Poster Slides

(2019). An Adaptive Approach to Provide Feedback for Students in Programming Problem Solving. Intelligent Tutoring Systems.

Cite DOI

(2014). An agent-based tutoring system for learning propositional logic using multiple linked representations. 2014 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) Proceedings.

Cite DOI

(2012). A Multiagent-Based ITS Using Multiple Viewpoints for Propositional Logic. Intelligent Tutoring Systems.

Cite DOI